Bond Measure J
The District’s vision is to create 21st century teaching and learning environments throughout the district. Our goal is to ensure that all of our students are future ready. We’re committed to enhancing educational excellence in the district by embedding technology to engage, inspire, and empower student learning. We’ve been able to make this possible, thanks to the USD community's support of Measure J.
On June 3, 2014, voters passed Measure J for a $125 million bond measure. This measure authorizes funding for needed school repairs, upgrades, new construction and technology projects. Proposition 39 required a 55% majority for approval; Measure J was passed by 68.83%.
Made possible through Measure J | 2014 to Today

Measure J Issuance Schedule
Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (Measure J)
After the passage of Bond Measure J, as approved by voters residing within Union School District in the June 3, 2014 election, the Union School District Board of Trustees appointed a Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC). The members of the committee are tasked with informing the public concerning the district's expenditure of Measure J bond proceeds, reviewing expenditure reports, and presenting an annual written report to the Board of Trustees.