Budget & Fiscal Services

Kirsten Perez

Assistant Superintendent, Business Services


Anna Leung

Director, Fiscal Services


The budget development process begins in January with the Governor's proposed budget. At that time, District goals and priorities are revised and established. In March, with the Second Interim Financial Report as a springboard, advisory groups and administrators review the budget and provide input. Budget updates are presented at subsequent Board meetings for further input and discussion by the Board and general public. The proposed budget is brought to the Board of Education in June for discussion and public hearing before being approved by the Board no later than June 30.

Each year the Board adopts a calendar for development of the budget for the subsequent fiscal year. The budget development calendar provides for all actions that must be taken to meet legal deadlines and those actions that need to be taken to prepare the Board for final adoption of the budget.


2024-25 Adopted Budget Presentation