Learning & Innovation

Learning & Innovation

Sarah Jellin

Associate Superintendent, Learning & Innovation

Kate Adams

Director, Special Education

Lisa DeLapo

Director, Information & Instructional Technology

Annie Murphy

Director, Student Services

Heather Scharer

Director, Educational Services

Tristan Ruiz

Specialist, Curriculum, Assessment and Media

Program Oversight 

Union School District, a caring learning partnership of students, parents, staff, and community, will empower all students through innovative and exemplary educational practices with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities, to become contributing and responsible members of a global society.

The Learning & Innovation Department is comprised of administrators, teacher leaders, and support staff.  Our goal is to work collaboratively to support our schools in ensuring the success of every student in Union.  We provide a wide variety of services, programs, professional development, and resources to students, staff, parents, and the greater Union community.