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Local Control Accountability Plan

The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and its local accountability counterpart, the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) were implemented with the idea that California must do a better job for its underperforming students, who in fact make up a sizable portion of the state’s school-age population. The LCFF changes the way funding is distributed to school districts with more money going to districts with higher numbers of students who qualify for free or reduced-priced meals, are English learners, or foster youth.  

The LCAP describes the district's goals for improving student outcomes according to the LCFF (8) State Priorities set by the State of California and the funding to support those goals.

1. Basic Necessities

2. Implementation (CCSS) 

3. Parental Involvement  

4. Student Achievement 

5. Student Engagement 

6. School Climate 

7. Access to Courses 

8. Other student outcomes 

Under the LCFF, all local educational agencies (LEAs) including school districts, county offices of education (COEs), and charter schools are required to prepare an LCAP, which describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities identified pursuant to California Education Code (EC) sections 52060(d), 52066(d), and 47605.

An important part of the process for creating the LCAP includes input from teachers, principals, school personnel, students, bargaining units, parents and district advisory committees. The Union School District Board annually adopts the LCAP in June before the plan is submitted to the Santa Clara County Office of Education for final approval.


LCAP Goal Updates 

2022-23 LCAP Update: Goal 2
2022-23 LCAP Update: Goal 3
2022-23 LCAP Update: Goal 4
2022-23 LCAP Update: Goal 5

LCAP Committee Meetings

Federal Addendum prior to Current Year