Student Enrollment
We look forward to welcoming your family to USD! To ensure your registration can be processed as efficiently as possible, please make sure you follow the process outlined below.
Enrollment Openings as of September 5, 2024
Grade Levels Open/Closed for Registration or Transfer Requests
All new students will register with their neighborhood (home) school. If a grade level is closed at your home school, you can still register, and placement at another District school will be offered. Open/Closed status is subject to verification when registering. Please contact with any questions.
Alta Vista Elementary
Carlton Elementary
Guadalupe Elementary
Lietz Elementary
Noddin Elementary
Oster Elementary
Dartmouth Middle
Union Middle
* If a grade level is closed for all district school sites, verified district residents will continue to be placed.
Steps to Enroll in USD
Follow the steps below to register your student. If you need assistance, please reach out to us.
Find your Attendance Area
Use the SchoolFinder tool to identify your neighborhood (home) school.
All new students will register with their neighborhood (home) school. If a grade level is closed at your home school, you can still register, and placement at another District school will be offered. Proceed with registration below for your home school.
Gather Required Documentation
The following paperwork must be uploaded at the time of registration. - Video Tutorial
Proofs of District Residency
One (1) document must be your property ownership papers or your rental agreement: Property ownership papers (Grant, Title Deed, Closing statements, Tax bill) or Rent/Lease agreement showing the name/residence address and contact information for the landlord (name and phone number).
The other two (2) documents must be one of the following:
Current or recent bank statement with address.
Current utility bill with name and address printed on the bill showing usage or receipt of payment. Government business document which reliably establishes current residence. This cannot be a Driver’s License.
Current auto insurance bill or car registration with address.
(If Joint Residency Affidavit is being filed, the parent must provide three (3) proofs from this section.)
Verification of Age (one of the following)
Birth certificate, Certified Birth Record, Valid Passport, Baptismal Certificate
Current Immunization Records To Date
The following paperwork must be submitted prior to the first day of school. Registration is not considered complete until these documents are received.
Final Immunization Record and TB Test/Risk Assessment Survey
All students entering school for the first time must have a TB test or risk assessment survey filled out as required by the Santa Clara County Public Health Department. All students must have all vaccinations completed prior to the start of school as required by the State of California.
Guide to Immunizations Requirements for School Entry (CA Dept of Public Health)
The following documents may be submitted at a later date.
Oral Health Form - Completed by your Dentist. Must be completed by May 31st of student's first year of school. Submit the completed forms to the school office.
Report of Health Examination for School Entry - For new kindergarteners registering for the upcoming school year, the five-year physical examination can be completed anytime within 18 months prior to entering First Grade.
Start Online Registration
Complete and submit online student information via Powerschool Registration. Students currently attending a USD school do not need to reregister for the 2024-25 school year.
Resources & Forms
Need Help?
Review the Frequently Asked Questions. Still not sure? Contact the following administrative assistants.
General Registration Questions - Sylvia Reyes - Contact
Inter/Intradistrict Transfers - Dina Rabago - Contact
Alta Vista Elementary - Maura Keenan - Contact
Carlton Elementary - Danielle Enos - Contact
Dartmouth Middle - Grace Lopez - Contact
Guadalupe Elementary - Jeannie Hamchuk - Contact
Lietz Elementary - Pearl Martinez - Contact
Noddin Elementary - Sarah Gardner - Contact
Oster Elementary - Gladys Beagle - Contact
Union Middle School - Valerie Matovich - Contact
Dual Enrollment Zone
In 2014, the USD Board approved Dual Enrollment Zones to allow parents to have more choice in their child’s attendance, to balance site sizes and to allow students to attend sites closer to their homes, without changing school boundaries.
If you reside in one of the zones on the map, you may choose between either site as listed below and register with that school. When a family selects one of the schools in their dual zone, that school becomes their home school. If one of the sites becomes full during the registration window, a newly registered family will then be assigned to another site that has space availability.
Please take a look at the District Attendance Area Map to determine if your child’s homeschool is in an area that is eligible.
Section A - Blue (Carlton Elementary or Oster Elementary; Dartmouth or Union Middle)
Section B - Yellow (Oster Elementary or Lietz Elementary)
Section C - Purple (Lietz Elementary or Noddin Elementary; Dartmouth or Union Middle)
District Transfer Requests
Requesting to Attend a Different School within USD| Intra-District Transfer
Registration must first be completed at your current home school. The initial review of transfer decisions will not begin until mid-March and continue until the start of school in August. This allows us the opportunity to process new registrations, which in turn helps us determine open spaces. Transfers are not approved until we are sure of enrollment at each site. Neighborhood children have priority at their neighborhood schools.
USD Students Requesting to Attend Schools in Other Districts | Inter-District Transfer
For current USD students who are requesting to attend schools in another district, they may obtain an Interdistrict Transfer Agreement form from the USD District Office or below. Supporting documentation must be submitted with your application or it will delay processing.
Applications are submitted digitally through the link below using InformedK12.
Questions about Inter-District Transfers may be sent to our team at
Non-USD Students Requesting to Attend USD | Inter-District Transfer
The Interdistrict Transfer process applies to those parents who wish their children to attend a school in a district other than that in which they reside.
All Interdistrict requests must be initiated in the district of residence. Please contact your district of residence for interdistrict transfer information.
The initial review of transfer decisions will not begin until mid-March and continue until the start of school in August. This allows us the opportunity to process new registrations, which in turn helps us determine open spaces.
Read more about the criteria for approval and required documentation.
Once admitted to Union School District, all Interdistrict transfers are valid through the elementary school years, unless noted otherwise, but then the student will need to reapply for middle school. An approved interdistrict agreement must be in effect between the district of residence and the school district of desired attendance before a student can attend the desired school.
We are not able to provide the status of a pending application. Notifications will be sent in writing once a decision has been made.
The following conditions apply:
Students admitted to Union School District under the interdistrict agreement shall be assigned to schools where space is available at the discretion and determination of USD administration.
Once a student is approved for an interdistrict transfer, you will not need to apply yearly for an interdistrict transfer. However, Union School District requires students to maintain standards in acceptable behavior, attendance (including tardies and late pick-ups) and academic progress. Should these standards not be met, the interdistrict agreement could be denied or revoked.
We accept inter-district transfer requests based on the following:
employment within USD boundaries (verification of employment required)
child care within USD boundaries (verification of location of CC required)
future or past residence in USD
last year privilege
When requesting an interdistrict transfer for a student in grades 1 through 8, please submit the most recent report card with the transfer.
USD’s primary priority and responsibility is to make sure all students residing within USD boundaries have a place in their neighborhood school, therefore, lack of space could necessitate a denial or could require a change in school attendance after the start of school or the interdistrict agreement could be revoked.
If your student receives special education services, we need a copy of the most recent IEP before your request can be processed.
Should your district of residence change mid-year, a new interdistrict transfer would be required.
If an interdistrict transfer agreement request is denied, the parent/guardian has the opportunity to appeal the decision to the Santa Clara County Office of Education within 30 calendar days of the date of the denial.
A student, parent, or guardian who provides a false and/or other pertinent data as a basis for enrollment in any school in the District may have the transfer revoked. The revocation may be immediate and notice promptly given to the student and parent/guardian.
Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten
Transitional Kindergarten
In Union School District, we are proud of our Transitional Kindergarten program which nurtures our youngest learners. Early learning is a vehicle through which allows us to focus on children's needs and help them to become lifelong learners. With thematic based units of study emphasizing our youngest students enjoy hands-on learning as they learn the basics of literacy and math such as the sounds that each letter makes as they embark on their reading journey, to counting objects as they begin their foundations in numeracy.
As our teachers share, “TK is a place where a kid can be a kid.” Most importantly, this pivotal year of schooling allows students a time to practice how to interact with others as they delve into social emotional learning. Through play-based interactions and an introduction to the vocabulary of emotions, students learn both individualization and collaboration.
To learn more about TK, find your neighborhood school and read through our 2023-24 TK/Kindergarten Handbook.
Student Eligibility
For the 2023-24 school year, age eligibility for Transitional Kindergarten expanded to include all students who turn 5 on or between September 2nd, 2023 and April 2nd, 2024.
For the 2024-25 school year, age eligibility for Transitional Kindergarten will expand to include all students who turn 5 on or between September 2nd, 2024 and June 2nd, 2025. Open Enrollment begins on February 1, 2024.
For the 2025-26 school year, age eligibility for Transitional Kindergarten will expand to include all students who turn 5 before September 1st, 2026.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where is my attendance area or home school?
Please use the School Finder web tool to locate your school of residence.
2. What if I do not have all of the required forms?
In order for Registration to be complete, you will need to provide the Three (3) Proofs of Residency and the Child's original Age Verification Document. TB and Immunization Record(s) may be submitted later, as long as they are submitted prior to the first day of school attendance.
3. When does registration start? When does registration end?
Registration starts on February 1 for the upcoming school year. Registration is accepted all year for new students entering school during the current school year
4. Do you have "Open Enrollment"?
Open Enrollment, which we call Intra-district Transfers, should be submitted between February 1st and March 1st for the upcoming school year to be included in the lottery for open spaces. We do accept Intra-district Transfers after March 1st, however, they will not be included in the lottery and will be put on a waiting list. Transfer approvals and denials are not made until the week before school starts and could be as late as the first week of school.
5. My child has been attending a private or charter school. Do they have priority in the registration process?
Students enrolling for the first time in the Union School District are placed in their school of residence at the time of enrollment if space is available.
6. May I request a specific school?
Union School District approves requests depending on available space and in compliance with California law and Governing Board policies. Detailed information regarding placement priorities and Open Enrollment procedures accompany all Intra-district Transfer request forms.
7. We will be moving into the Union School District area but do not yet have a residence. When can I register my child for school?
Residency must first be established prior to enrolling your child in USD schools.
8. We will close on the purchase of a home in the Union School District just prior to or just after school starts. Can I register my child for school?
You must first establish residency in the district, then you may enroll your student in Union School District.
9. I have changed addresses. What should I do?
Students who change their legal residence during the school year need to notify their home school of their new residential address. If you still reside within USD boundaries, check the School Finder address verification system to verify your address and school of residence. If your school of residence has changed according to your new address, you must apply and be approved for an Intra-district Transfer to remain at your school of attendance. If you reside outside USD boundaries, you will need to apply for an Inter-district Transfer from your district of residence.
10. We have just moved into the Union School District and have enrolled my child in school. Is it guaranteed that my child will be able to attend our home school?
All incoming school students are assigned to their school of residence. Students are placed in schools on a space-available basis. If your school of residence is full at the time you enroll your child, your child may be “overflowed” to another school within the district.
11. When and how will I know if my child is “overflowed” to another school?
When you register your child at your school of residence, the school administrative assistant will contact the District Office to determine where space is available for your child and will let you know as soon as possible, by phone.
12. My child has been "overflowed" to another elementary school. What is the District’s policy?
If your child was sent to another school because of space, your child will be guaranteed a spot in your school of residence the following year. If you wish for your child to remain at the overflow school permanently, you will need to apply and be approved for an Intra-district Transfer.
13. I live in the Union School District and I want to Home School my child. How do I notify the District and what are the next steps?
You will need to apply for an Inter-district Transfer to another district that has a “Home School Coordinator”. The Inter-district Transfer forms are available at the Union School District Office.
14. I would like my child to attend a school other than our home school. How should I proceed?
Complete an Intra-district Transfer request and turn it in at the District Office. USD approves requests on a space-available basis and in compliance with the California law and Governing Board policies. The time period for Intra-district Transfer requests to be included on the lottery is from January 1st to March 1st for the upcoming school year. Those requests received after March 1st will be placed on a waiting list. Transfers are not determined (approved or denied) until the week before school starts and could be as late as the first week of school. Please note that USD does not guarantee transfers for siblings. Each student must apply for and Intra-district Transfer.
15. If I move out of the Union School District during the school year, can my child remain at their current USD school for the remainder of the year?
You will need to apply for an Inter-district Transfer request from your District of Residence. Transfers are approved on a space-available basis. Also considered are the student’s academic performance, behavior, and satisfactory attendance.
16. I live outside of the Union School District and would like my child to attend a USD school. How do I register them for a USD school?
First request an Inter-District Transfer from your home district. Your District of Residence must first approve your transfer. Due to space and enrollment considerations, Union School District may limit the number of incoming Inter-District Transfers. School registration is not accepted unless an Inter-district Transfer has been approved.
17. How will I know if my Inter-District Transfer has been approved?
You will be notified by phone of the status of your Inter-district Transfer.
18. My child is attending a USD school on an Intra or Inter-District Transfer. Do I have to reapply each year?
Inter (those coming from outside the USD) and Intra (those living within USD boundaries, but requesting a different school) district Transfers for Elementary school students are valid for Kindergarten through 5th grade. A new request will need to be made for students entering Middle School. All transfers are approved on a space-available basis. Other considerations include the student’s attendance record, behavior, and academic progress. Transfers applied for the upcoming school year will not be determined (approved or denied) until the week before school starts and could be as late as the first week of school. Some districts require that a new transfer request is completed each year. Check with your District of Residence.